Our second day in Chiang Mai took us to an Elephant Park. We watched an elephant show (and eventually purchased the artwork we saw the elephants paint). We took a bamboo raft trip down the river. We learned how elephant poop is recycled into paper. We rode in an ox cart, had an ox cart crash, and even rode on elephants!

After our boat ride, we hit the Ox Carts. I now know that I don't enjoy traveling via Ox Cart. I'm not sure if it was because it's uncomfortable and bumpy or simply because we managed to get into an Ox Cart accident - I'm not kidding! Our Oxen decided they had had enough carting people around. Shortly after our ride started, they bucked the cart off their backs and tried to wander off. We hung on for dear life as our driver nervously laughed and got everything hooked up again (all the while, Grammie, Uncle Smelly, and Cristina's Ox Cart driver laughed his rear off and made fun of our driver in Thai!). I was ready to be done from that moment on. As silly as it was, I was more scared during the Ox Cart ride, than I was hugging a tiger! But we all survived to tell the tale - and laugh about it. I can honestly say, Ox Cart riding is not something I plan to do again. 

Next up, Chris took the kids back to the hotel for a little down time (Uncle Smelly's knock knock jokes are exhausting) while the rest of us hit the town for a temple walking tour. There are over 200 temples in and around Chiang Mai. We set out to walk through Old Town and tour a handful of them. This turned out to be a great experience. We toured several temples and while they are all similar, each has it's own personality. We were stopped by someone with the "Are you Shawn Hochuli?" question (small world, small world); And we hung-out at a local cafe sipping "smoothies" while watching Chiang Mai life go on around us.

I really wanted to take this Monk's photo, but was afraid it would be disrespectful while he was meditating so intently...then I saw the sign. He was made of fiberglass...

Smelly's guidebook told us to look for Monks waiting outside the Temples to answer questions in what they called a "Monk Chat". It encouraged you to approach the Monks and start a conversation. This process, not only teaches tourists a little more about Buddhism, but also helps the Monks practice their English. Seeing several Monks outside one temple (being spoken to by what appeared to be some sort of Monk Teacher), Shawn took the opportunity to interrupt their teaching and politely ask the most intelligent question that cam to him. "Are you guys Monks?" Apparently, these guys didn't know one word of English and were definitely not part of a "Monk Chat." They politely laughed at him and let us take a picture with Shawn and his ever knowing guidebook.
We turned the corner and stumbled upon an actual Monk Chat. After Shawn's first encounter, we were reluctant at first, but I am so glad we approached another gentleman and started a conversation. This was, by far, the highlight of my trip to Chiang Mai (even better then hugging a tiger and crashing an ox cart). I wish, I wish, I wish I had written down this gentleman's name. He made such an impact, I am sad I can't even remember his name. We sat with him for quite a while and asked questions about his life (he moved to Chiang Mai from Myanmar to study Buddhism), his decision to become a Monk (He carefully considered this decision knowing that it would mean giving up the idea of having a family), as well as some of the deeper beliefs of Buddhism (is it better to eradicate all pain and suffering in life or keep those feelings so you can truly understand joy and happiness).
We ended the evening with a delicious river side dinner and a trip to the infamous Chiang Mai Night Market (A must see if you ever get to Chiang Mai). Since Shawn and Cristina were leaving us for a relaxing island resort the following day, in true Smelly fashion, he presented us each with "awards" from the trip - Don't worry Smelly that annoying chirping frog toy will be making its' way back to you one day! 

Thanks for a great trip Shawn & Cristina! Where should we go next???
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